About Em’s Odyssey


Countries Travelled


Working Holiday Visa




Stoked on Life

The Americas

United States







New Zealand



How I Got Here

In 2021 I moved to Queenstown, NZ to study Adventure Tourism Management. These two years were some of the best of my life. I got to bungy jump for class, night ski after school and swim in crystal clear waters every day. Studying in this beautiful part of the world only expanded my love of travel and is the reason I applied for a visa in the states.

2023 was the year I found my freedom and travelled to Canada to meet up with my best friend. Graduating that March had given me a heck of a lot of freedom, my leash was now as far as my bank account would let me go. After a month travelling with my friend, I came home to get saving for my year in the USA.

Now that I’m working overseas, I have no excuse! This is only the beginning of my travels, and I’m super stoked to have a place to record all of the creative bubbles that fill my brain as I journey around the world.

Destinations to Travel

Wishing you could get away and travel too? Check out some of the posts from some of my favourite spots! You can also read more travel posts here.

People & Businesses I Love!

These are some of the wonderful people I’ve met while on my travels that have businesses and creative outlets just as I do! Check them out or give them a follow for me!

I met these two beautiful girls Keana & Kristen in Hawaii. Summer Laine sells cute beach-inspired jewellery that goes towards supporting all of the animals that Keana fosters.

Ariana is one of the purest souls I’ve ever met! We worked together at Brundage mountain and she does a lot of lifestyle and beauty vlogging via tiktok.

Trevor worked at Brundage mountain as well, and has created his own mushroom blend of coffee.

Photography & How I got Started

I’ve been a ‘photographer’ since 2016. This is when I picked up my dad’s Canon EOS 70D and said hey, I can do something with this. But there are handycam videos of me wanting to be behind the camera from when I was about 3 or 4. It’s in my blood.

In 2020 I was lucky enough to win a photography competition that set me up with my very own camera. A Nikon Z50. It was a great little camera, but I couldn’t afford the mirrorless lenses. I’d grown up with Canon and preferred the feel, so in 2022 I saved up for a Canon EOS 90D body. This is what I shoot with today, typically on a 18-200mm lens with the Okko Pro Circular Polariser Filter.

I’ve run courses covering the basics of photography and taken lots of photos in different situations. Everything from automotive events to fine art and jewellery.

Photography Tips

Wanting to get more into photography? Start with my post on aperture below. If you’re wanting to keep yourself up late at night, the astrophotography post is for you! And if you’re looking to get that extra edge in your photography – check out the composition post.

Canon EOS 90D

Canon USM 18-135mm Lens

Canon 50mm Prime Lens

Canon A-1 Film Camera

Recent Posts


a love letter from mountain time

a poem

I wrote this a few weeks after landing in the United States. I’d started my new job, met some awesome new people and the emotions I touch on in this poem come and go constantly.

Being here with the people I am with – citizens of a foreign country feel as though I’m standing on the other side of a very thin pane of glass. Unless I make a permanent decision to move here – it’s likely I’ll only get this time with them. Because of this, there is only so much time I can spend with them, only so much of myself I can pour out and only so much I can observe.

And that’s the beauty of it. Ephemeral.

You can read more of my poetry here.