
The Banshee

foreign mountains
dressed in white,
but not like I’m used to

these mountains have secrets
dancing in the trees
the understanding of life
the unspoken ebb and flow of mountain time

nothing stands against her
grandeur and enormity
beauty uncomparable

the silky soft snow billows like white smoke
clothing her in a gown of tranquility

I feel small
she was here before me, and she will be long after
for I only exist
a blip in her lifetime.

will she remember me, like I’ll remember her?
what can I offer that measures up to what she gives me?

I see the world from her heights,
sprawling below me
my mind overloaded
senses bursting at the seams

she carries me with gentle touch
she carries me with gentle warning
not to get too close
not let my pride wander

for she is the mountain
and I am insignificant.

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